Are you thinking of getting out there and attending a trade show? You might be a new business and you’re looking to increase your customer base, or you might be a well-established business and you’re looking to increase your reach among a new demographic. Whatever the reason, the trade show is a great way to go about getting some more traffic. Because the trade show is a great way to generate more leads and prospects, they can also be an expensive endeavour for your business to undertake. The operators know that there are going to be a lot of interested people there, so they can afford to charge more for the potential revenue that you’re going to gain from the event. As a result of this, you need to ensure that your time at the trade show is as valuable as possible to achieve a great return on your investment. Let’s take a look at how you can boost your traffic at a trade show.

1. Invest in some visual aids

A great way to increase your visibility at a trade show is to invest in some great pull up banners. Once you have invested in a pull up banner, you’re going to be able to use it time and time again, so it won’t be a lost investment, and it’s going to be a great way to draw people into your stall or stand. Work with a designer and get a real stand-out banner – that way, you’ll be proud to use it and people will be drawn to it for its visual appeal.

 2. Have a goal in mind

If your staff and team aren’t working towards a goal, they’re not going to be trying hard to make sure that you’re getting the leads that you want. If you have a goal in mind and then incentivise the day for your team, you’ll find that it’s a great way to hit your targets.

 3. Have merchandise available

Many people won’t want to stick around and chat, preferring instead to gather as much information as possible and then taking it home to spread out on the table and look at it all in the comfort of their own homes. Make this possible for people with a great show-bag or information pack which outlines your service offering in an easy to understand and easy to read format.

 4. Open with a question

You need to be approachable and to have a great question in mind for people to draw them in. Once you have people interested, you can then pitch to them and sell them your product or service. Engaging people is a huge part of what makes your pitch successful, so make sure your team know how to draw people in.

 5. Make sure your booth is attractive

You need to have an attractive and professional booth for people to be drawn in by, and if you pay attention to the details, you’ll find that it’s easier than you think. If you can view your booth as if you were a customer, it will help you to set it up properly. A great way to make sure your booth is on point is to get the opinions of friends and family who can tell you what they think.

Good luck at your next trade show and happy trading!

April 05, 2022
Tags: Marketing Misc

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