Hosting a birthday party is an exciting, yet time-consuming event. It’s a time in someone’s life that should be celebrated with fun, laughter, and plenty of cake – getting the people together that you care about most, in other to remember a special day, regardless of the person’s age. However, in order to be able to throw a birthday party and get everyone in one location, you have to send out birthday invitations.

Thus, you’re going to have to know what to include and what to leave out of birthday invitations in order to avoid stepping on anyone’s toes – making it a birthday to remember.


Choose the correct style

Invitations are usually the first indication of what type of birthday party it’s going to be, so you have to ensure you choose the correct birthday invitation idea in order to avoid having guests show up for a black-tie event in casual clothes. Remember, with so many ideas online, you’re bound to find the perfect birthday party invitation idea without having to look too far.

Add a dress code

…but only if you’re planning a dress up party or an extremely formal event, otherwise you may come off as a bit pretentious. Since you won’t be using too much text in your birthday invitations, it’s best to include a small detail at the bottom of the invitation relating to the dress code. Remember, there’s nothing worst for a guest than showing up in a dress code other than what’s expected.

Put stamps on RSVP cards

You’re going to need guests to return the RSVP cards within a timely manner in order to plan the venue and food expectancies, thus, you need to ensure that you place stamps on the RSVP cards in order to avoid letting guests pay for their own RSVP returns. They remain your guests and you need to ensure that you practice proper RSVP etiquette to avoid embarrassment and disappointment.

Order extra invitations

It’s always a great idea to order more invitations than you need at the time. Remember, some guests may not be able to make it and you end up thinking of someone else to invite. You’re going to need an unused birthday invitation to send. In which case, it’s always a great idea to order at least 25 extra birthday invitations. Rather have too many than too few, right?

Read: The Power of First Impressions


Add a registry

Unless you’re planning a wedding or a baby shower, it’s never a good idea to add a registry to the invitations. It’s certainly not formal enough to add your gift list in order to let guests know what you’d like for them to purchase. So don’t make guests feel uneasy or taken advantage of by adding a registry to your birthday invitations. Rather be thankful for the gifts that you do receive.

Write too many details

It’s best to keep it short and sweet, writing only the necessary details such as time, date, venue etc. Too much information tends to make the birthday card seem too ‘busy’ or confusing – feelings you certainly don’t want your birthday invitations to resonate.  

Invite people you don’t want to

Your birthday party should include individuals that you really want have at your special day. It’s okay not to invite your long lost cousin, twice removed simply because s/he’s family. Remember, if you haven’t seen them for a while and you rarely speak, it’s definitely not a must to have them at your birthday party.

Wait too long to send invitations

Finding unique birthday invitations online should be your first step in planning a birthday party, but you can’t wait too long. Ideally, you should send casual birthday invitations at least three weeks ahead of time in order to give guests enough time to plan their schedules and return important RSVPs. Remember, life gets busy so rather start planning as soon as possible than waiting for the last minute.

Interested in planning a birthday party? You’re going to need unique birthday invitations ideas to complete the planning process. At Classic Colour, we specialise in birthday invitations in Melbourne. Contact us for a birthday invitation quote.

April 01, 2023
Tags: Invites Misc

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