With Christmas closely approaching, it’s time to start thinking of the perfect Christmas card design in order to avoid being average. Whether you’re out to impress friends and family or need to send the perfect message to co-workers, you simply can’t let Christmas fly by this year without opting for unique Christmas cards – raising the bar and setting the standards for next year.


Thus, when it comes to personalised Christmas card printing, it’s good to know what to do, but even more so what NOT to do in order to ensure smooth sailing. After all, Christmas only comes once a year!

1. Don’t wait too long.

Waiting until the last minute to design and print your unique Christmas cards will not only leave you flustered, but you may end up choosing the easiest design with the least amount of work in order to get it to the printers in time. Instead, start thinking of possible Christmas card ideas so long and give yourself a head start for perfect Christmas card printing. Remember, preparation is important in order to make the results worthwhile.

2. Don’t be generic.

Avoid looking online for the perfect wording – things that have been said over and over again. Don’t be boring. Personalise your Christmas cards by adding your own unique twist to them. In the spirit of giving, even a simple, personalised message is better than nothing at all. At the end of the day, Christmas is about caring. Let that show in your unique Christmas cards.

3. Don’t find any ol’ printer.

Designing a personalised Christmas card is one thing, but having it printed is a whole different story. Be sure to choose professional custom Christmas card printing in Melbourne for excellent results – ensuring that your hard work doesn’t go to waste once it hits the printers. Not only will professional Christmas card printing services have quality printers in order to deliver excellent results, you’ll also have peace of mind that your order will be fulfilled within a timely manner – ready for early Christmas shopping.

4. Don’t use cheap paper.

One of the most common complaints of personalised Christmas card printing is the quality of the paper used. With so many variations of printing paper available on the market, it’s no wonder that you may become quite confused about which type of paper to use. Opt for a high quality, heavyweight stock with a matte finish if you’re unsure. However, professional Christmas card printing services will know exactly which type of paper to use for excellent results.

5. Don’t forget to have fun.

Most importantly, it’s time to have fun! Designing your very own personalised Christmas card is a fun process involving a little bit of creativity and a whole lot of personalisation in order to make every recipient feel special. Remember to have fun with your design, let your personality shine through, and make it an annual event to bring the whole family together.

At the end of the day, Christmas is a once in a year kind of event. It’s worth going the extra mile to make it perfect – especially if you’re out to impress new family members on work colleagues. Remember, Christmas is a time for giving; even if it’s a personal message from the heart. Thus, when searching for personalised Christmas card tips, don’t forget to add the above-mentioned guidelines of what NOT to do to your ‘to-do’ list.

November 30, 2022

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